1. Careful! The story is far from over.

    The UK has now effectively become a non-voting member of the EU. The real “leaving” does not happen until the end of the year, unless old “Die in a Ditch” Boris slides that date too.

    This is a challenge for committed Brexiteers, because it is a reasonable guess that public interest will decline rapidly during the course of the year as topics like HS2 and Harry’s inevitable divorce from Megan come to dominate discussion. In the meantime, bureaucrats will be working away in the background on the details of the final separation — which will inevitably be eye-glazingly complex, and perhaps not at all what enthusiastic Brexiteers really had in mind.

    It is like climbing a mountain — reach to top of one rise, and find yet another rise still lies ahead. Take satisfaction in accomplishing this step, but don’t imagine the climb is over.

  2. Gavin,

    The public only have so much energy. Enjoy the victory we’ve got and fight the new battles when the only army we’ve got is ready.

    Nothing more can be done anyway.

    Events will dictate opportunity far more than anything.

    Black pills and concern mean nothing without concrete action.

    Cancel your telly tax if you want to make a difference. Sky tv too if you are really committed.

    Turn off the media is all we have at the moment…….

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